You might wonder what chess has to do with fitness. Well, back in the 1960s and 1970s, before many of you were born, there was an American fitness guru named Jack LaLanne. He had an incredible, naturally sculpted physique, and I remember watching him do push-ups well into his 80s. He was one of my earliest role models. Jack LaLanne famously said, ‘Exercise is King, Nutrition is Queen, put them together and you have a Kingdom.’ In chess, the objective is to capture the opponent’s king, ending the game. The king is the most important piece on the board, wouldn’t you agree? So, he called exercise the King! And nutrition the Queen. But what role does the Queen play if she represents nutrition?
While the King is indeed crucial in chess, the Queen is the most powerful piece. Similarly, exercise is vital, but you can’t outrun or out-exercise a poor diet, no matter how hard you try.
When I first started my fitness journey, the most common question I received was, ‘How can I flatten my stomach or get a six-pack?’ Even this morning at the gym, a woman saw me doing leg raises and asked if the exercise was for my stomach. I confirmed it was, and when she asked if I had a six-pack, I said yes, but emphasized that my focus is on maintaining a flat stomach. Many people don’t realize that a flat stomach is built in the kitchen, not the gym. Healthy eating is key, not endless sit-ups or crunches.
It’s been proven that changing your diet is essential for weight loss and reversing conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and various forms of cancer. Eat a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables—eat the rainbow.
So, the next time you see a chessboard, consider the King and Queen analogy in relation to your health. A healthy person has many goals, but a sick person has only one: to regain their health.
For 15 years, I’ve hosted ‘Six Weeks to Fitness’ programs. I even wrote an ebook, ‘Six Weeks to a Flatter Stomach,’ which outlines the steps you can take to lose weight and flatten your stomach in six weeks.
I also have a free online community, ‘Six Weeks to Fitness with Vince Skool,’ where like-minded individuals can connect, ask questions, and support each other’s fitness journeys. The link to this platform and my book are below. If you order the book, use the promo code ‘sixweeks20’ for a 20% discount.
My Six Weeks to Fitness w/Vince Skool community, is a free educational platform where like-minded individuals communicate and support each other in their fitness journey:
Click here to order my book:
If you’re in need of health and fitness coaching, contact me directly at (917) 523-7379.
It’s time we prioritize our health. Like money, you don’t appreciate it until it’s gone.
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