Quote of the Week – Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela, a super inspiring leader from South Africa, once said, “Exercise is the key not only to physical health but to peace of mind.” This might sound surprising at first. You exercise to get fit, right? But what Mandela meant goes way beyond muscles.
Think of your body like a house. Exercise is like taking care of that house. You eat healthy foods to give your body the building blocks it needs, just like strong bricks for your house. Exercise is like cleaning and organizing – it gets your blood pumping, makes your heart strong, and keeps your lungs working well. This keeps your body-house healthy and ready for anything!

But here’s the cool part: exercise doesn’t just affect your body. When you’re running around, swimming, or working out in the gym, your brain benefits as well! It releases chemicals that make you feel good and relaxed. This can help you clear your head, focus better on any problems you might have at the moment, and even feel calmer when things are tough.

Imagine you’re having relationship issues, or work-related problems, such as trying to find a job. Your brain might feel tense, like a tightly wound spring. Exercise can be like a button that unwinds that spring. Suddenly, the problem doesn’t seem so scary, and you might even come up with the answer!
So, next time you hear the word “exercise,” remember it’s not just about getting sweaty. It’s about taking care of your whole self – your body and your mind. It’s a way to feel strong, happy, and ready to take on the day!

Thank you, Mr. Mandela for these very timely words of wisdom!

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