Episode #58 Interview with Sonia Satra, Creator of Moticise, Mindset-Reset

SoniaSatraIn this episode, I will be joined by Sonia Satra, a certified life coach, fitness expert, actress and award-winning motivational speaker who has dedicated her life to helping people reach their full potential through unifying the body and mind. Sonia is changing the way we exercise AND think by launching An exercise program – called Moticise.  Moticise combines motivation and exercise to help you achieve your goals.  During the interview, Sonia will share techniques on how you can motivate your mind and body using visualization and affirmations that are sure to help increase abundance and success into your life.

The Mind/Body Connection

Your mind and body are connected in some incredible ways, which science is only now discovering. Did you know that when you exercise, your brain releases a protein that triggers the growth of new neural pathways? Or that when you move your body, you open up new channels of creativity, problem-solving, and decision-making?

Benefits of Moticise

  • Gives you the tools to reach your goals
  • Helps you find your purpose – and live it
  • Makes exercise fun (seriously!)
  • Increases your focus, creativity, and confidence
  • Boosts your energy level – mentally AND physically
  • Improves your decision-making and problem-solving
  • Rewires your brain for success

The Mindset Reset Process

 What will it feel like once you’ve achieved this goal?
  1. What resources do you have to reach this goal?
  2. What’s one thing you need to make this goal happen?
  3. What barriers stand in your way?
  4. What beliefs are holding you back?
  5. What’s the first step you can take?
  6. Celebrate your successes!

Using this simple process, people have changed their lives. They’ve dreamt up successful business ventures, had “a-ha!” moments about their relationships, and broken through barriers that had been holding them back for years.

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