Steps You Can Take to Boost Your Entire Family’s Confidence

Raising a happy and healthy family is a priority for any parent. For African American families, it’s even more important to help kids build confidence, so they can navigate the world with greater conviction as they grow up. Parents and children can take steps together to boost confidence, making it easier to live their best lives and achieve their respective goals. Discover some ways you can help your family thrive below, courtesy of 6 Weeks to Fitness.

 Start a family fitness routine

 Going out into the world with confidence starts with feeling your best. A regular workout routine for the whole family will get your endorphins pumping and have you all feeling great. Look for group activities you can do together, like playing tag, throwing a ball, or dancing to music. After an active day, make sure you’re nurturing your family with healthy food. To save time, try these dump-and-go slow cooker recipes. They’re easy to reheat, so you can enjoy them for days after you prepare the initial batch.

 Find ways to relax as a family

 Stress is something that can strike at any age. Kids may worry about social dynamics at school or tests and assignments they have due. Meanwhile, parents may stress about juggling work and family. Find ways to relax with your kids and bond. You can try reading or cooking together, for example. Also, develop ways to cope with family-specific stress. Michigan State University offers tips that can help, like making sure everyone is getting enough sleep and practicing mindfulness exercises.

Be a role model by embodying positive leadership

 If you want your kids to go out into the world confidently, you’ve got to do it too. After all, you’re their first role model. If you’re lacking confidence at work, find a way to fix it. For example, friction with your teammates might be a barrier to your success and leave you feeling drained. Try techniques like cooperative communication and building on each other’s strengths to deal with workplace conflicts. This teaches kids how to navigate their conflicts.

 Go back to school

 It’s often said that we never stop learning, and going back to school is a great way to demonstrate the value of education for your family. is an excellent lesson. If you have a passion for learning and helping others, implementing a bachelor of education degree might be the path for you! And thanks to the flexibility of online learning platforms, you can proceed at your own pace, without having to take too much time from other responsibilities as you move toward perhaps becoming a teacher yourself.

Upgrade your mattress

It might sound silly but if you aren’t well-rested, you’re going to have a harder time in virtually every other aspect of your life. So to improve efficiency and reduce stress, improve your sleep quality by investing in a new mattress. Luckily, it doesn’t have to cost a fortune! In fact, you can select the best full size mattress within your price range while still taking advantage of the advances made in sleep technology to give you the good night’s rest you deserve.

Create a toolkit for navigating change

 Change can be tough, especially for families. Maybe a pet or elderly loved one dies, for example, or perhaps you have to move houses or switch cities entirely. When change happens, take the time to process it with your kids. Select Health offers tips for families that are struggling with changes. For example, you want to communicate openly with your kids. It can also help to create consistent routines that remain the same, regardless of what else is happening around you in the world.

 Practice positive mantras to boost confidence

 Boosting your family’s confidence can be as simple as practicing mantras. Look for positive mantras that speak to your family’s unique situation. For example, Our West Nest has a list of positive affirmations specifically for black kids. Examples include, “I deserve love,” “I make a difference,” and “I am proud to be Black.” Say these in the mirror with your little ones in the mornings. They may do you good too.

Identify positive role models for the whole family

 You are your child’s first and most important role model when they’re young. As they get older, they may seek other role models to look up to beyond mom and dad. Work together to identify positive Black role models. You may find people who inspire you as well. Black role models fuel ambition and inspire people, whatever their age. Come up with a list of individuals you all admire and discuss what it is you like about them. Those are traits to aspire to.

 If you want your children to reach their full potential, as parents, you have to show them how it’s done. So try out these tips – from improving your fitness and sleep quality to going back to school and improving your communication skills – and before long, you’ll see your whole family flourish.

6 Weeks to Fitness is here to help you get the body and life you deserve. Reach out today if you have any questions!

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