“Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice.

It is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved.”

– Williams Jennings Bryan 

All human beings have the power of choice and choice is just that, POWER.  Most of our day is spent making choices and not all of the choices we make are in our best interest.  I want you to keep this in mind when you have an opportunity to go for a walk, a jog or to the gym but instead, decide to stay home and watch television.  Keep this in mind the next time you drink that can of soda which contains 150 calories instead of drinking a bottle of water which has none.  It’s all a matter of choice.

We can benefit by the choices we make or we can suffer from these same choices.  It’s totally up to you.  I have laid out in my book, “Six Weeks to A Six Pack,” the ten steps that I know for a fact will help you lose weight and flatten your stomach, but you must make the Right choices.

Weight loss as well as weight gain, in my opinion, are a matter of choice.  If you are serious about losing weight and improving your health you will make the right choice.  If you’re not serious and are happy with your body in its current condition, then you will continue living the same lifestyle that brought you to this point in your life.  However, if you want to change the way you look, improve the way you feel, then wouldn’t now be the time to make these changes?  Wouldn’t now be the time to make the right choices?  Wasn’t it Albert Einstein who said “insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”  It all comes down to doing things differently than you have in the past and making the right choices.

Now, I am fully aware that the obesity problem is a little more complex than just overeating and inactivity.  There are medical problems and medications that cause us to gain weight, especially in today’s over-medicated society.  We need to educate ourselves on the side effects of the medications we are taking and the best way to do that is to consult with your doctor.  The doctor may also recommend an alternative medication than the one that causes weight gain.  Whether your weight gain is medically induced or the result of inactivity or overeating, the information put forth in this book will help you.  (This is an excerpt taken from 6 Weeks to a Flatter Stomach”.

The choice is yours,

Vince Ferguson

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