How many of you are looking forward to the New Year? It’s often said “out with the old and in with the new.” This year we have experienced lots of challenges: Inflation, rising interest rates, recession fears, wars and rumors of wars, social and political polarization; to name but a few.
But today, we will explore practical tips, powerful tools, and transformative techniques to help you not just survive, but truly revive and thrive in 2025.
Tip #1
- Prioritize Your Mental and Physical Health. Your health should be your number one priority! You can’t help anyone if you can’t help yourself. Not your kids, not your husband, wife, significant other, no one. When traveling on an airplaine, the stewardess will tell you to put the oxygen mask on yourself first and then on your child.
Our bodies were meant to move. As we get older, we tend to sit more and move less. We need to move more and eat less. Try walking 30 minutes per day. Start an exercise program that includes strength training – muscle and bone strength.
- Nourish your body with whole, unprocessed foods. Eat more fruits and vegetables, or what I like to call “God’s Candy”! We need to eat more of what God made and less of what man made – if you truly want to be healthy.
- Have your Vitamin D levels checked. Are you aware of the importance of Vitamin D when it comes to our immune system? Most people of color are vitamin D deficient. Men who succumb to prostate cancer usually have had low levels of Vitamin D. During the pandemic, most of the people who were hospitalized had low levels of Vitamin D.
It is during this time of year (fall and winter) when most people catch a cold or the flu, and it’s usually because of low levels of vitamin D. Some doctors are calling the cold and flu season, low vitamin D season. Have Your Vitamin D levels checked out.
Speaking of Physical and Mental Health: Practice mindfulness and meditation. This will promote mental clarity and reduce stress.
Tip #2
- Change Your Mindset: We either have a positive or negative mindset. A negative mindset will say, “I’m too old to worry about my health or I’m too old to go back to school or to achieve some worthwhile goals, “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. That’s a negative mindset, and it’s not the mindset you want to go into 2025. A positive mindset will say, “I’m never too old to build a healthy body, I’m never too old to learn or to go after some worthy goals. “I can do this, one step at a time, it’s never too late to start, it’s progress not perfection!” In other words, a “can-do” attitude. That’s a positive mindset.
- Napoleon Hill, the author of “Think and Grow Rich” said “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve”.
Tip #3
- Release the Guilt.
During the holidays, we tend to eat too much, drink too much, socialize too much, and maybe put on a few extra pounds. Instead of being upset with yourself for over-indulging, accept that it happened without judgement. This is a judgement free zone. The holidays will be over soon, it will be in the past. We cannot change the past, but we can make decisions today in the present that will help to shape our future. We’re going into the new year with hope, enthusiasm and high expectations.
Tip #4
- Practice Gratitude. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude for the good in your life. I believe if we give thanks for all the good that we have, whether it be health, wealth, relationships, family, whatever it is, more good things will come.
Tools for Revive and Thrive
There are some some fitness and meditation Apps available to help you Revive and Thrive in 2025
- Nike Training Club App
- MyFitnessPal
- Meditation Apps: Headspace, Calm, Insight Timer
- Also, I just launched my Six Weeks to Fitness Skool community, an online platform where you’ll find inspiring educational content, motivational tips, engaging videos, personalized exercise programs, group coaching, leaderboards, prizes, supportive group wellness coaching and much more.” It’s free to join this community until Monday morning.
Techniques to Revive and Thrive in 2025
- Deep Breathing Exercises: Reduce stress and improves mental focus. Deep breathing exercise release tension in your body and reduces high blood pressure. (3 – 5 minutes per day) and watch your blood pressure go down.
- Mindful Eating: Hippocrates said “all diseases begins in the gut”. Doctors are now realizing that many diseases do in fact begin in the gut.
- Make Time to Exercise, even 30 minutes per day would help
These are the tips, tools and techniques that I recommend you implement as we move into 2025. Let’s recap my 4 tips:
- #1 Change Your Mindset
- #2 Release the Guilt
- #3 Practice Gratitude
- Prioritize Your Mental and Physical Health
And don’t forget to have your Vitamin D levels checked. You can purchase Vitamin D3 with K2 at your local drug or vitamin store. You won’t regret it.
If you do these 4 things, you will not just survive, but truly revive and thrive in 2025!
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