What Results Can I Expect After Six Weeks?
Based on the results from the thousands of participants who have taken my program since 2010, I can promise you the following:
- Weight Loss
- Loss of Inches Around the Waist
- A Flatter Stomach
- Improved Mental Health
- More Energy
- Increase in Muscle Mass
- Increased Bone Density
- Increased Flexibility
These are only some of the benefits you can expect from participating in my Six Weeks to a Flatter Stomach program, but this only happens if you agree to do the work. I can’t do it for you, but I can show you how it’s done.

You may be wondering if it’s possible to flatten your stomach or at least reduce
inches around your waist in as little as six weeks? The answer is YES, and this book,
which is more like a course, is based on the results I’ve seen from my very popular
Six Weeks to Fitness programs. This book will show you how, but the question is,
are you willing to do the work?
Are you ready to make changes, not only in the way you eat but the way you think?
This is not just another book on exercise, this is a system that I have used to
help thousands to lose weight and get their health back on track. In this book, you
will learn:
- The most important reason why you should want to flatten your stomach
- The benefits of a low-carb diet ;
- The power of Intermittent fasting;
- Why you should not eat 3 hours before going to bed;
- How my Peak 8 High-Intensity Interval Training promotes weight loss and builds muscle.
In addition, you will receive:
- Our Weekly Fitness and Nutrition Log; and
- 12 Exercise videos with our Certified Exercise Instructors;
- Six Week Abdominal routine;
- Six Week Strength Training routine;
- Six-Week Meal Plan; and more!
Are you ready to receive all of the above? If you answered yes, then you are about to
experience an amazing transformation not only in your body, but your mind.
By the time you finish this program, you will not only learn how to flatten your
stomach, but you will be eager to share this information with your family and
friends. This program works, and you will see results in six weeks
(or less) – Guaranteed or your money back!
You may be asking yourself, if this book is so life-changing, then why is he offering it so cheap? My answer to that is, if I charged you what the book is worth, would you be able to afford to buy it? Or would you just ignore it because of the price? I made it affordable so that more people interested in their health will be able to buy it and learn like so many others have learned, how to take back their health and it starts with the gut, as you will read in the book.
Let me start by saying that contrary to popular belief, exercise alone will not flatten your
stomach. You must combine exercise with proper nutrition and other methods that will be
discussed in this book. Remember this, a flat stomach is made in the kitchen, not in the
gym, but it will take more than a healthy diet to flatten your stomach. Let me show you the way.
Vincent Ferguson is a certified personal trainer, certified wellness coach, speaker, and author. Mr. Ferguson has appeared on various television and radio programs, including ABC-TV’s Good Morning America Health and Fox TV’s Good Day New York. He has been involved in fitness for over 35 years. His love for fitness began in the United States Navy, where he participated in martial arts and kickboxing competitions. Immediately upon being discharged from the Navy, Mr. Ferguson began a short bodybuilding career. As a bodybuilder, he entered various local competitions throughout the New York tri-state area.
Mr. Ferguson realized if physical fitness could have such a positive effect on his own body, mind, and well-being, then it could have similar effects on others, especially children. Consequently, he founded and became president of Body Sculpt of New York, Inc., a Brooklyn-based not-for-profit health and fitness organization.
In response to the alarming incidence of obesity among children, in 2004, I created the Children’s Sports & Fitness Expo. The Expo engages children in over 25 sports activities, nutrition clinics, health screenings, and live entertainment – free of charge. During the event, families gain exposure to activities, programs, and services that will improve their health, thereby reducing the effects of obesity in their lives.
Mr. Ferguson is the creator of the Six Weeks to Fitness Challenge and his very popular Six Weeks to Family Fitness exercise and nutrition programs. Mr. Ferguson, with the help of his amazing staff, certified exercise instructors and nutritionists, has been transforming lives one week at a time since 2010. Mr. Ferguson believes that the techniques he and his staff provide, which include a variety of exercise techniques, nutrition guidance, positive motivation and holding the participant accountable for his or her success is key to achieving success. He believes that it’s all a matter of mindset and a willingness to change old habits and creating new ones.
Mr. Ferguson is also the host of the Six Weeks to Fitness Podcast, where he interviews fitness and nutrition experts, doctors, athletes, and celebrities
to discuss the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. The podcast is available on iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and Stitcher. You will also find it
on the Six Weeks to Fitness Youtube channel.

“Upon receiving an email via UFT regarding your six weeks to fitness, comprised with nutritional information and the workouts, I knew that the creator God
was providing the regimen to jar me into another awakening. Well, Carmen was right on point with the music and her radiant energy and aura. Some of the
movements required me to modify. The nutritional jewels, recipes with both being Women/Goddesses are both phenomenal in their own right. Vince, just
know this was simply a Blessing and just can’t thank you enough.”
Tammara Tillman
Thank you so much for your enthusiasm, inspiring talks, and nutritional guidance. I have never participated in a 6-week exercise program, and I feel so
empowered. The team let us know how important we were in this process. The message was loud and clear. In every session and email, I felt how much
the team cares about helping the community make healthier choices. I lost 10 lbs. in 6 weeks, which was completely unexpected. I know that the change
in weight is due to exercise and changes in my eating habits-incorporating more green vegetables and fiber-rich fruits.”
“Thank you so very much for offering the fitness and nutrition classes. I have gained a lot of information, especially today as I listened to Skai talk about
the foods that we should be consuming and in addition how they should be prepared. I would like to add that the classes have reinforced the importance
of movement, especially during this time of the year when I am primarily indoors due to the cold weather. (If I were on the beach in Negril, I would be
walking, dancing, and doing yoga LOL).”
Jean Brown
“Thank you ever so much for The Six Weeks Fitness Program, “Becoming a Newer You”. I am eternally grateful. I always wanted to join/or be part of
such a program. I knew a program like this certainly would have cost an “arm and a leg” and I know I would not have been able to afford it. But I thank
Body Sculpt and UFT for thinking of the little guy. And as I was praying and searching around, it just so happened that this program came into my view.
I immediately jumped at the offer. Thanks so much. I have made major life and lifestyle changes due to this program. You guys were exceptionally
professional, knowledgeable, and great. Please include us again in the future.”
Valencia Caldwell