It is impossible to be truly happy without your health. In my opinion, no man or woman can be considered a success without a healthy body and a healthy mind to go with it. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that we seek health first, then happiness and success can truly be realized.

Health, Happiness, or Success?  Why Most People get it wrong

Most of us get it wrong. We go after success thinking that if you’re a success, then health and happiness would follow.  We don’t realize that it is your health that makes happiness and success possible. It may take 5, 10, 15, or even 20 years to find success (if you find it at all) but can your health wait that long? There are so many people being diagnosed with chronic illnesses in their 30s and 40s, in the prime of life.

Think of Your body like an Automobile

The body is like a car. If you want good performance, you must maintain it properly. You will only get out of your body, what you put into it. Don’t get me wrong, I am a firm believer in going after success.  I just don’t believe your health has to suffer as you pursue success.  I also know that if you don’t exercise and eat healthily, your body will inevitably break down.  If your body breaks down, the road to success shuts down until you can get your health back on track.  Make sense?

John D. Rockefeller from the early 1900s

I remember reading a story about one of the oil barons from the early 1900s by the name of John D. Rockefeller. Rockefeller was in his 50s, earning about $1,000,000 per week (that’s right $1,000,000). One day his physician told him, “John if you don’t change your living habits you won’t be around much longer to enjoy your millions”.

Rockefeller had to get his Priorities Right

Rockefeller asked his physician for advice on what he should do to improve his way of living. The doctor told Rockefeller 3 things; (i) move away from the table even if you’re still a little bit hungry, (ii) stop worrying and (iii) get some exercise.

Now you may think Rockefeller’s doctor must have been more of a fitness consultant than a doctor.  The doctor’s advice was right on point.  Sure, medical science has advanced exponentially from those days, but humans are basically the same.

Rockefeller takes the good doctor’s Advice

Rockefeller, after taking his doctor’s advice lived until he was 98 years old. He probably outlived his doctor. Also, consider that the advice the doctor gave Rockefeller is appropriate even for today.

Why did Rockefeller’s physician tell his wealthy patient to step away from the table even if he was still a little bit hungry? Your metabolism slows down later in the evening and if you’re not burning off those calories, you will gain weight especially around the midsection.

Worry and Stress

The good doctor told Rockefeller not to worry so much? Too much stress can raise your cortisol levels and negatively affect your health in the form of hypertension.

Last, but not least, the doctor told Rockefeller to exercise. Exercise reduces stress, strengthens the heart, burns fat, and reduces the risk for heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and much more.

Rockefeller with all his wealth knew there was more to life than chasing after success. His lifestyle was leading him to an early grave, so he could not have been very happy. It wasn’t until Rockefeller took the advice of his physician, that he began to realize that without your health, happiness and true success is virtually impossible to achieve.

This is why I truly believe that health is more important.  Don’t you agree?

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