Live Longer, Live Healthier: The Power of Fasting for Youthful Aging, Episode #221 Dr. Joseph Antoun

In this episode of my Six Weeks to Fitness podcast, I am joined by Dr. Joseph Antoun, CEO of L-Nutra and a leading figure in longevity science. During the interview, Dr. Antoun shared insights on his groundbreaking work with the Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD). Dr. Antoun emphasized that aging-related diseases, including diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and cardiovascular disease, are primarily caused by biological aging rather than mere chronological age. His work focuses on keeping cells biologically younger to prevent these conditions.

Dr. Antoun discussed the motivation behind his shift from traditional medicine to focusing on preventive health. He became disillusioned with the “sick care” model, where patients are treated with pills for chronic conditions without addressing root causes. This led him to pursue public health and policy, with a focus on creating solutions that promote health span (the period of life spent in good health) rather than just longevity.

The Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD), developed by Dr. Antoun’s company, is a plant-based nutritional program designed to mimic the effects of fasting. Over 25 years of research, including clinical trials at prestigious universities, has shown that the FMD can reduce biological age, rejuvenate cells, and reset metabolism without compromising muscle mass. Dr. Antoun explained how traditional diets, including the popular drug Ozempic, may cause muscle loss and metabolic slowdown, leading to weight regain.

A key takeaway from Dr. Antoun’s research is that fasting stimulates autophagy, a cellular process where the body repairs and rejuvenates itself. He highlighted that five-day cycles of FMD can reverse biological aging by 2.5 years and promote overall health, including improved blood sugar levels, cholesterol, and reduced inflammation.

Dr. Antoun also addressed the importance of balancing nutrition, exercise, stress management, sleep, and social happiness for longevity. He stressed that adopting the FMD three times a year, along with mindful eating and exercise, can significantly improve health outcomes without the long-term risks of medications or extreme diets.

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